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We invite you to the following services!
Sunday Morning - 10:30a
Sunday Evening - 5p (2nd & 3rd)
Tuesday Evening - Prayer 6p
Wednesday - 7pm (Bible Study)
Check out our specialty classes. Classes are designed for your growth & develpment.

Married & Single Small Groups
Sundays - 5p (last Sunday of the Month.)
Part of Safe Harbor's vision is to grown and strengthen families. These groups meet and talk about real issues and how to overcome everyone. You'll be challenged and empowered.

Ron Carpenter

Tony Miller

Randy Caldwell

Mike Brown
Empowerment Conferences
Safe Harbor has had the privalege to host many of our Spiritual Fathers. On occastion we invite such voices to challenge us and bring renewal.
Safe Harbor Worship Center
Prayer - Family - Servanthood
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